Funny My Cat Ate Your Pixie


  • 9–13 inches
  • 9–17 pounds
life span
  • 13–15 years
good with
  • children
  • families
  • cats
  • dogs
  • seniors
  • sociable
  • high
shedding amount
  • normal
  • medium
activity level
  • active
  • quiet
coat length
  • long
  • short
  • fawn
  • cinnamon
  • blue / gray
  • red / orange
  • tabby
other traits
  • friendly toward humans
  • friendly toward other pets
  • high potential for weight gain
  • friendly toward strangers
  • easy to train

A large, muscular cat, the Pixie-bob is rumored to originate from a tryst between a domestic shorthair and a bobcat. The breed does resemble their wild cousins, but DNA testing shows they are a wholly domestic cat with a sweet, affable personality and a dog-like loyalty to their family units.

Pixie-bobs enjoy learning tricks and playing games like fetch. They're always down to eat a meal or two, anytime you are. Similar to breeds like the Bombay, toyger, or ocicat, Pixie-bobs can feel like wild cats in some ways, but without any of the risk to their owners.


The Pixie-bob does indeed resemble his alleged wild namesakes. Most Pixie-bobs have black fur and skin on the bottom of their paws, as well as black skin on their chins, lips, and around their eyes. The chin and eyes are usually topped by white fur. Their heads are pear-shaped, with medium-sized, tipped ears covered in heavy ear hair.

Pixie-Bob sitting on a dining room table

Pixie-bobs are laid-back house cats who love snuggling and playing with their family.

| Credit: Courtesy of purrfectly_fiona / Instagram

These cats' coats can be short or long, but they are always double-coated with thick, wooly hair that can feel coarse to the touch. The coats are tabby in a pattern that resembles the North American bobcat but can come in a variety of colors, with fawn, orange, or light gray being the most common.

Pixie-bobs' tails can be non-existent, though a tail between 2–4 inches is required for show cats. Occasionally, Pixie-bobs will present with regular tails, which are not considered a fault for show. Many Pixie-bobs are also polydactyl, usually with five toes per front foot and four in the back, though six- and seven-toed varieties exist.

Males and females can both grow up to 12–13 inches tall, though larger males have occasionally been seen. Pixie-bobs are very thick-set and muscular cats, and while 14 pounds is the usual top size for a male, there are recorded males as heavy as 25 pounds.


Exhibiting absolutely none of the traits from their wild namesakes, Pixie-bobs are sweet-tempered, easy-going animals. They rarely vocalize in traditional meows, opting instead for occasional churrups or headbutts to get their point across.

"They are intelligent [and] they will want to play and be your buddy," says Janda Keenan, Pixie-bob breeder and owner of Emerald Exotic Cats. "No hiding under the couch for this breed! Be ready for a companion you can take everywhere with you. They are often called 'adventure cats' and can be found riding motorcycles, on car rides, [and] going for hikes."

Though a Pixie-bob will always be down for an adventure with his favorite human, this active cat doesn't have the go-go-go attitude found in some other breeds.

Pixie-Bob kitten in backyard wearing a bandana

A Pixie-bob's tail can be practically nonexistent to a normal length. Most fall somewhere in between.

| Credit: Courtesy of purrfectly_fiona / Instagram

"Despite being great adventure cats and intelligent, they are not a 'high-energy' breed like Bengal or Savannah cats," Kennan says. "They love to chill on your lap and take plenty of cat naps. They are a good blend of fun and chill."

Living Needs

Since Pixie-bobs are large, heavy cats, make sure they have enough room to exercise and work off some energy. These cats are active, though not hyper, so there will be some spirited play sessions in your future.

Make sure you have plenty of interactive toys for your Pixie-bob to play with, as well as cat trees and high-up hammocks for him to climb and lounge around in. Pixie-bobs are also quite the outdoor adventurers and will love exploring on a leash or harness.


Like many double-coated breeds, long-haired Pixie-bobs require a healthy amount of grooming. Their wooly coats hang on to anything they catch, and these cats are pretty regular shedders. To keep ahead of the loose hair and tangles, brush your Pixie-bob at least three times a week. But if your Pixie-bob has a shorter coat, Keenan says, his coat doesn't need much maintenance.

Pixie-Bob walking down a garden limestone path

The adventurous Pixie-bob is often described as "dog-like." They love exploring the world and can be trained to wear a harness and leash.

| Credit: Courtesy of purrfectly_fiona / Instagram

"If you're going to free-choice feed, my recommendation is to only leave out their recommended daily caloric amount," says Carol Margolis, DVM, DACT, of the Gold Coast Center for Veterinary Care on Long Island, NY.


Because of the large number of cats the Pixie-bob has been outcrossed with, they're a remarkably healthy breed. Their average life expectancy is 15 years, and while they have no breed-specific maladies that should cause you to lose any sleep, keep an eye out for the usual cat concerns like heart disease and kidney issues.

"Chronic renal diseases are just across the board with cats," says Michelle Beck, DVM, CCRT, CVA, of the Backlund Animal Clinic in Omaha, Neb. "Some of them can live quite a long time with them. It's just a matter of proper care and monitoring.

Pixie-Bob standing on sidewalk in front of house

Pixie-bobs are often polydactyl, meaning they have extra toes. Most have five toes on their front paws, though they can have up to seven.

| Credit: Courtesy of purrfectly_fiona / Instagram

"Also, by the age of 10, 70 percent of [cats] have arthritis somewhere in their body," she continues. "Cats are very good at hiding their pain."

That tendency to hide pain is in their genes, Margolis adds. "Unlike dogs, who are exclusively predators in the food chain, cats are not just predators, they're also prey," she says. "So if cats in the wild show any kind of pain or discomfort, they'll be the first to be hunted."

For this reason, both doctors recommend regular checkups for cats, even if there appear to be no symptoms or issues of concern.


In 1985, Mount Baker, Wash., resident Carol Ann Brewer rescued a male stray she named Keba, according to TICA. Keba was a big ol' boy, coming up to Brewer's knees. Shortly after Brewer brought him home, Keba bred with a neighbor's domestic shorthair. From the resulting litter of kittens, Brewer kept a bobcat-spotted bob-tailed female, whom she named Pixie. Pixie would become the foundation cat (and namesake) of the whole Pixie-bob breed.

For a number of years, it was accepted that the Pixie-bob breed came from bobcat blood. But DNA research has subsequently confirmed the Pixie-bob is a wholly domestic breed, not only distinct from the bobcat, but also distinct from other bob-tailed breeds like the Manx, American bobtail, and Japanese bobtail.

The Pixie-bob breed was granted provisional status by The International Cat Association in 1993 and granted champion status in 1998.

Fun Facts

  • Pixie-bobs are the only cats for whom being polydactyl is a show requirement. The maximum number of toes allowed is seven, according to TICA.
  • The pattern on the Pixie-bob's coat goes all the way to the skin. If you shave these cats, you'll see their markings on their body.
  • While many cat breeds are described as being "dog-like," the Pixie-bob may take the cake. They can learn tricks, go on walks, and respond to basic commands like "no," "get down," and "come here."


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